Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Turn Your Acting Talent Into a Successful Career by Jacklyn Zeman

Jacklyn Zeman. Turn Your Acting Talent Into a Successful Career. 2011.

Zeman was on “The Edge of Night”, “One Life to Live”, and was then on “General Hospital” for 30 years. She writes how important it is to work as an actor by bringing a fresh perspective every day. Actors should observe that things constantly change, especially when in a recurring role.

An actor has to be aware of what a character thinks, how these thoughts affects the character’s emotions and reactions, and then act accordingly.

An actor should observe human behavior, studying how people react, and learn from these observations. Actors should explore why people behave a they do and what causes their reactions. Some people act differently because of regional differences, exterior constraints, life situations, etc. An actor uses this knowledge when acting. the actor needs to keep within the thoughts and behavior of the character being portrayed.

Directors will offer their input. Actors need to recognize that decisions makers will have their impression of what they expect a character should be. Actors should respect this and learn fro their advice. Actors should work in collaboration with directors, producers, and writers.

Actors should arrive to work on time with their lines memorized. Everyone is expected to be ready for their work, and everyone works as a team that includes actors, directors, and crew. Zeman recommends arriving with three different ways to perform each scene Actors should be flexible in their work, Directors will likely appreciate that.

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